The glass manufacturing sector is on the cusp of a digital transformation, with paperless technologies offering significant opportunities for productivity gains and better customer service.
With old-school paper production records, it is hard for managers to get sufficient quality and detail of data to make informed strategic decisions. At the same time, your drive to be customer-centric and agile is very difficult when any last-minute changes mean a whole new set of paperwork has to be distributed around the shopfloor.
But once you can track each job electronically through the factory; once your job cards, drawings and assembly instructions are instantly accessible; then you can be confident of answering customer queries and delivering even the most complex order on time in full, without anyone having to run around chasing paper.
At Jotika we are highly experienced, helping glass manufacturers to computerise their operations. So when it comes to achieving paperless efficiency on the shopfloor, here are our top recommendations:
- Everything starts and ends with your customers, so if something goes wrong when an order is delivered you need to know right away, not hours later when the driver returns with the paperwork. Electronic proof of delivery has replaced paper dispatch notes in many sectors and is easy to implement as an integral part of Gtrak.
- Last minute rescheduling is a fact of life, as customers place urgent orders, or breakages need to be remade. If your staff are given job orders electronically these changes are quick and painless to implement. We can help you find the right combination of production boards, ruggedised workstations and handheld devices to replace the confusing piles of paper.
- Cutting, laying out and assembly tasks can all be completed far faster when your staff have the right drawings and instructions immediately on-screen, without having to chase down the right piece of paper. Gtrak brings together customer orders, drawings and other documents so they are always available and up to date.
- Barcoding can be truly transformative. Whether you have dedicated barcode scanners or use a handheld device, every item is tracked in real time from the stockroom to the delivery truck. Gtrak dashboards will ensure you get an immediate snapshot of production, while reports and other tools allow you to investigate bottlenecks and address more fundamental questions.
- At the heart of a paperless factory is the computer system which keeps track of everything and ensures everyone gets the information they need without delay. Gtrak has underpinned the successful growth and transformation of many glass companies.
Digital transformation and the paperless factory are usually incremental processes, achieved one project at a time. We are happy to help you prioritise the areas where you can achieve the best returns and share our expertise to create the best solutions for operating your business.
Read more about Gtrak or contact us to find out more.